‘Blog Every Day in May’ day 9: A Moment in my Day

I am back for day nine (well, technically it’s day two for me, but I’m not into technicalities so ignore that).  Today’s topic is “a moment in my day.”  Since “a moment” is a pretty relative term, I’m going to share a really cute flowering plant I found for Mother’s Day.

This will be the gift of choice for the mom/Gammy and mom-in-law/Mom-Mom from the youngster.  This is a bleeding heart plant, and I just love the way the flowers look like little hanging hearts. I suppose that’s how it got that name.  Ya think?

Pretty hearts for Mama's Day.

Pretty hearts all in a row.

I even purchased one for myself.


Bleeding heart plant

Another moment in my day was that I learned how to put watermarks (those transparent words or images in the corner of photos that serve as sort of a “copyright” so that the photos can’t be stolen or used without permission) on my photos.  And for that I thank the fine folks at Pinterest.  I’ve always wondered how to do it. I went a little crazy with my new-found watermarking knowledge, but doesn’t it look snazzy? Check out MomOnTimeOut.com to learn this cool trick for your very own self.


Pretty hearts for Mama’s Day.

So, that is it for my awe-inspiring moments so far today.  How about you?

Make it a momentous day.  🙂




  1. Beautiful flowers. It is day two for me too….

    • Sandy says:

      Thank you. Thanks for stopping by, and good luck to you on the rest of the blogging month.

  2. It’s day 2 for me as well! Glad I’m not the only one who started late … 🙂
    I think plants are great gifts because they can be enjoyed over time and add beauty to someone’s day.

    • Sandy says:

      I’m very happy to hear that I’m not the only one to start a bit late. Better late than never! I love giving and receiving plants. Thanks for stopping by!