Reebok’s motto (according to the little hang tag thingy on my most recent purchase) says “Find your own fitness.” I like that. Whether we’re into fitness for the fun of it, for health reasons, or for the competitive spirit, and regardless of whether we’re running, bicycling, jogging, walking, or swimming, we are up and moving. And that’s all that matters.
That little hang tag got me thinking (and that doesn’t happen just every day, let me assure you of that) about my own brand of fitness and what exactly motivates me to keep with it. It just so happens that my motivators followed the theme of alliteration. How appropriate! If you’re so inclined, follow along as I ramble on (and that does happen most every day) about the five ‘Fs’ of my fitness. Don’t worry, there’s not a test at the end.
Focus on Fashion
I admit it. I’m into fitness for the fashion. Sporty tanks, colorful bra tops, flirty running skirts, and oh, so comfy leggings have filled my dresser drawers faster than fancy shoes, sassy sweaters, and designer labels ever did.
Since starting a workout routine about a month and a half ago (I refer to it as ‘fast walking,” not quite to the running speed yet, but quicker than a casual stroll), I’ve become addicted to fitness apparel. Who knew something I rarely gave a second thought to (I am a writer after all … pjs and tees, people, pjs and tees …) would be a key factor in keeping me motivated to work out.
Champion, Reebok, and New Balance are my go-to brands for workout apparel (no brand-neutrality on this blog). Old Navy also makes some great compression leggings and other apparel that are quite affordable.
I really love these perfectly pink running shoes. Pictured with the shoes is my virtual 5K “fast walk” medal (I like to be precise in my descriptions, so I refer to my brand of fitness as a fast walk. I don’t really run or jog, per se, but I do move faster than a regular walking pace.). There is more about the virtual race below further on in this post. Just keep reading. Just keep reading.

My bright pink shoes and my first ever 5K medal. It’s Buffett-themed and benefits Give Kids the World. My worlds have collided in a good way.
Right up there with the fashion is the bling. A lot of races, including runDisney races, give medals to everybody that participates. I think that is awesome. Why shouldn’t you get a medal? Whether you finish first or 551st, whether you run the whole way or walk most of it, you’re out there exercising and being active. This girl wants a medal!

runDisney medals.
Photo: Flickr/CC license/AngryJulieMonday
And then, there’s this …
How fashionably fun is this? Shwings (shoe + wings, get it?) come in all kinds of designs and colors … mustaches, butterflies, angel wings, blazing wings … you name it, they will probably have it. I am definitely going to purchase a pair of these for any event I enter. Visit them at
Friends on the Run
Camaraderie is another draw for me. There is a large community of runners, walkers, joggers, and other fitness types out there, all willing to show support and encouragement for each other’s goals. This is a great way to stay motivated, keep on track with whatever fitness goals you might have, and add some social insight to the sweaty side.
At this point, I must bring up my friend’s brand new blog, The Fat Girl Next Door. I shall refer to her as “she who must not be named,” only because I don’t know if she wants her real name revealed – not because she’s a deep, dark villain with a snake face. This is one blog that I have been reading almost every day. Follow her as she chronicles her weight loss journey. She who must not be named is hilarious. She even lists her actual weight. That is one brave lady! Maybe I should do that to make myself accountable as well ….. Nah!
Fun and Fine Tunes
Like pretty much everything else, fitness has to be FUN for me to stay interested. I need scenery, tunes, or something, otherwise I get really bored. My treadmill time is spent listening to upbeat songs that get my feet moving. My iPod Shuffle is filled with Buffett, Marley, Pitbull, Katy Perry, and ’80s Madonna. I’ve even got some Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Miranda Cosgrove mixed in there. Don’t laugh. You know you’ve got guilty pleasures. I would also like to mention that Disney tunes can be quite upbeat. “The Princess and the Frog” has some of my favorite “move-it” songs. When Mama Odie starts talking, you better get to moving!
One of my goals is to run off to the happiest place on earth to do a runDisney event. Running with Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and the rest of the gang all hanging around at every twist and turn … how much more fun can you get? I read a lot of Disney-related blogs and can’t get enough of the race day photos of sparkly skirts, themed costumes, color-coordinated teams, and even tiaras.

The big cheese himself. Photo: Flickr/CC license/AngryJulieMonday

Team Sparkle at runDisney. Photo: Flickr/CC license/AngryJulieMonday
My biggest obstacle with a Disney event is the part about actually getting to Disney. I’m very nearly 12 excruciating long hours away from the House of the Mouse. I am allergic to long car trips, airfare is expensive, and they have yet to roll out teleportation to the general public. I’m certainly in a predicament, aren’t I? But how awesome would this be …

runDisney event.
Photo: Flickr/CC license/AngryJulieMonday
Virginia Fitness Fun
I’ve started researching 5K races and other fun fitness events in my area, and I’ve been quite pleased with what I’ve found.
Here are a couple in case anybody is in the vicinity of Virginia:
- Color me Rad 5K at Kings Dominion (to benefit Special Olympics Virginia) – Saturday, May 17, 2014
- Christmas Town Dash 8K at Busch Gardens (to benefit Toys for Tots) – Sunday, December 7, 2014
- Virginia Capital Trail Cap2Cap bike ride (to further the future of the Virginia Capital Trail) – Saturday, May 10, 2014 – This is a bike ride that I participated in last year. My husband and I did the 15-mile ride and had a blast. When complete in 2015, the Virginia Capital Trail will be a 50-mile paved pedestrian and bicycle trail stretching from Richmond to Williamsburg (the current capital to the Colonial capital).

Color me Rad 5K – Las Vegas
Photo: Color me Rad
Virtual Fitness Fun
I recently did my first virtual walk. No, I didn’t stand in front of a screen with gloves on my feet and pretend to walk for 3.1 miles. Though, I suppose you could do that if you’re the cheating type. No, a virtual race is where you sign up, pay the fee (which often goes to a charity), and then you walk, run, or jog at your own pace and place (treadmill, track, around your neighborhood, whatever floats your boat – however, actual floating does not count) during the time frame of the race. Afterwards, you can compare time, distance, etc…etc…via social networks or websites and receive a medal in the mail. How cool is that? You get the fitness and the accomplishment of completing a run/walk without having to travel a long distance.
My virtual race of choice was found through my friend Megan at (visit her site for a great take on her road to becoming a runner). She has started a very cool series of virtual races with Jimmy Buffett and Margaritaville-themed medals. How on earth could I pass up that! I satisfied my Parrothead partiality, got in some fitness, received an awesome medal, and helped Give Kids the World all at the same time. It was a win/win all the way around.
If you don’t know anything about Give Kids the World, go check them out right now. Well, finish reading this first and then go check them out. Here is their link: They are always my charity of choice.
Virtual races take place in 5K, 10K, half and full marathon distances. Jog on over to for virtual races taking place throughout the year.
Fun Fitness Tools with the FitBit Zip
I also just have to mention this cute little tool, the FitBit Zip. It works like a pedometer, counting steps and miles. It also has a clock and counts the amount of calories burned. The big smile means you’re up and moving.
The FitBit Zip comes in all kinds of colors and has a handy dandy little clip to attach it to a shirt, pocket, or sports bra. It’s small enough to fit comfortably in a pocket. I wear it constantly and really love the way it counts the steps I’ve taken (the goal is to get to 10,000 steps, which is about five miles). I haven’t quite made it yet, but I’ve gotten close and often find myself just aimlessly walking around the house in the evening to get in more steps. It keeps me off of the couch and out of the chips.
Another motto that I really like is the name of the runDisney group that my friend Debra, from Kungaloosh, is in. They are known as W.I.S.H., which is simply “We’re Inspired to stay Healthy.” You can’t get much more straight-forward than that.
So, there you have it … fashion, friends, fun, fine tunes, and a little bitty FitBit Zip.
How about you? What’s your inspiration?
Other suggested fun and fit articles:
Thank you so much for the shout out and for the love!!!!!
You’re very welcome!